Rajhans Cinemas - SItanagar, Varachha was launched on 11th November, 2022 making it one of the biggest multiplexes in the vicinity. Dubbed as the ‘Family Multiplex’ this multiplex is a great relief for movie buffs to enjoy unlimited entertainment at their doorstep. Rajhans Cinemas - Sitanagar, Varachha is located in Rajmahal AC Mall, Sitanagar Chowkdi, Puna Gam, Varachha. While upholding the name and fame of one of India's leading cinema chains 'Rajhans Cinemas', this very multiplex is surely a go-to destination for moviegoers.
This three-screen multiplex in Sitanagar, Varachha is equipped with state-of-the-art amenities to make movie-watching experience rich and memorable. From box office to big screens, spacious seating arrangements to advance audio systems, everything is perfected to provide the best cinematic experience in Sitanagar, Varachha. With a seating capacity of 801, this multiplex features all the best-in class facilities to enrich entertainment to the fullest.